There was a tower that stood out on the board and reflected, in its grandeur, the human and entrepreneurial skills of its founder.

Giuseppe Pavoncelli was Minister of Public Works and the promoter of the Apulian Aqueduct, that jewel of hydraulic engineering that still holds the title of the largest aqueduct in Europe. Although his name is now so linked to the construction of the aqueduct, his true passion was his wine, so following this passion, he found his profession.

The Tower was in fact the seat of the winery that produced the “Bianco di Lusso”, a wine appreciated and exported all over the world. It was in the second half of the 19th century that the Pavoncellis transformed what was once a granary with annexes built into a wine cellar, calling it Torre Giulia.

Name inspired by the presence of two turrets placed at the corners of the facade of the fortified villa of the 1700s and by Giulia Monaco, daughter of Giulia Romualdo, Princess of Arianello and wife of Nicola Pavoncelli, a member of the family. The dark years of World War II arrived and even then Torre Giulia played a role of great importance, this time on a strategic level. The American air force, in fact, made it a military base and the fields that still surround it were perfect landing strips for its bombers.


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Torre Giulia offre numerose soluzioni per rendere il tuo giorno unico e indimenticabile!
